Current TV is the place on the web to post your Nourot Glass Studio videos from your trip to our hot glass works.
We especially like the piece of "film" on a Mr.Gelb, of Ithaca, New York, making lamp worked glass under the title Blow My Glass."
Lampworking is the process where glass is made at the open flame with tubes or rods of a special high tensile strength glass called quartz silica glass. New techniques for making glass even in a large scale, using this method is gaining in popularity due in part the classes for Lampworking Glass in individual studios and colleges.
A quick web search shows that the site: www.blowmyglass.com is available. Perhaps a school/studio should take this up. For a long time there had been a site: www.makemeblow glass.com. This was the guy who had the splatter platters on black forged iron stands that you used to see at the crafts market in Philadelphia. It's expired now.
However the site advertising blowmyglass.com mentions that we might also be interested the site blowmygoat.com because it has 22 in links. Hmm...22, that is tempting SEO. We're content with our own Nourot Benician Glass sites as they are, although some mention of blow my glass on every page may be upcoming.
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