Thursday, April 8, 2010

Philabaum Dinner A'la Arte

Tom and Dabny Philabaum hosted a charity dinner in the blow room of their glass works and gallery February 20, 2010.
Here Tom blows a self annealer for the guests. He also donated a big work of his to the Tucson Art Museum.
The Board of Trustees of the Museum hosted the dinner, and Ron Wassell of Blue House Catering provided the great food.
Look for Nourot to be doing some hosting of this sort later in the year. The idea is to invite certain "guests" to try their hand at making glass or pehaps just hang out and eat with the artists. The Benicia Main Street Program with the other two glass works in Benicia, Smyers and Lindsay are in talks to make this happen.
It won't be for our local Glass Museum because we do not have one in Benicia but, hey, that would be kind of cool if we did. From the collections the glass makers have grown over the years it could be quite comprehensive.
To inquire about reserving a spot as a "blower" or just to buy tickets for the dinner (October 3rd.) you can call us at 707-745-1463. Thanks for your interest.

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